Despite economic and financial upheavals, the telecoms industry is moving ahead at a fast pace. As a matter of fact our industry is one of the least affected by this turmoil; however the telecoms industry does continue to be involved in a massive transformation.
Since the arrival of the internet, the focus of the industry has moved from providing defined end-products to becoming a facilitator in the development of a range of new products, companies, and indeed new industries.
In recent years we have seen the emergence of digital media and observed the enormous changes to both the industry and society as a result of mobile and mobile broadband.
The next phase of development revolves around the digital economy. Trans-sector services such as e-health, tele-education, e-government, smart grids and the Internet of Things (IoT), incorporating M2M.
In particular, the IoT is the next inflection point after connecting homes (fixed lines) and people (mobile). It will increase telecoms connections to billions of devices. The telcos have an opportunity to show leadership in the developments - but this could equally become another internet-like development, driven by users and the internet industry.
There are many opportunities for the telcos if they are prepared to embrace change. Embracing the OTT model is one option as it opens the way for telcos to start offering certain services internationally. An OTT business model allows the world to become their marketplace.
Perhaps the best option for the telcos is to concentrate on the enormous demand for bandwidth. This needs to be managed, moved around the networks and made available at the edges - using converging wireless and fixed high-speed broadband infrastructure. IoT requires massive data processing through data centres and server farms, linked to an enormous requirement for real-time analytics.
It has become acknowledged that the amount of spectrum needed to satisfy people’s demand from mobile phones, tablets and soon a range of other smart devices is going to be limitless. Mobile carriers are scrambling for spectrum, but it is already known that the spectrum that will become available from the digital dividend (i.e. reuse of broadcast spectrum) will not be enough.
The telco market will remain in transition for at least the next 10 years and during this period new businesses and new industries will develop that will be similar to those we have seen emerging around the internet and mobile broadband.
BuddeComm’s annual publication "Global Telecoms – Key Industry Statistics and Insights" provides a valuable overview of trends and developments for the global telecoms sector with a focus on Internet, mobile and mobile broadband. The report analyses these key market segments and the future of the telecoms sector as a whole. It provides key global statistics and insights.
It explores the growing concern that many of the social, economic and financial structures have outlived their usefulness and there is no longer a linear way forward. As a result we will have to come up with new solutions and in many ways ICT will be the game-changer. The report can be bought at Worldwide Telecoms - Key Industry Statistics and Insights
Subjects include:
- The future of the telecoms industry;
- Opportunities for the telcos;
- Fundamental changes in the mobile sector;
- Key global telecoms statistics;
- Ranking of global telecom and broadband leaders;
- Key global mobile statistics;
- Key global mobile handset and touchscreen tablet statistics;
- Global mobile broadband and mobile app statistics and insights;
- Global Internet statistics and usage;
- Global VoIP statistics and insights