As depicted in the illustration below, the world has become a content
producer. People create and upload their own pieces of art onto the network
while enjoying other people’s masterpieces. It may be expected that in 4G the
communication networks will continue to expand so as to include all kinds of
channels with various throughputs, quality of services and protocols, and
heterogeneous terminals with a wide range of capabilities, accessibilities and user
Thus the gap between the richness of multimedia content and the
variation of techniques for content access and delivery will increase
dramatically. Against such a background of expectations of universal multimedia
access (UMA) will become a challenge for the 4G wireless network. The major
concept of UMA is universal or seamless access to multimedia content by
automatic selection or adaptation of content following user interaction.
Content-based interactivity is highly connected to UMA but imposes
higher expectations and requirements on content understanding supports. In the
4G high-speed communication systems, the mobile TV user may customize the
content by manipulating the text, image, audio, video and graphics, and may
even access information that is not available in the current system.
Consequently, the 4G wireless system may face the challenge that watching TV or
movie has been changed from a passive activity to a new user experience with
much higher interactivity. Mobile TV has been a network killer application for
a long time, the supported resolution of TV clips by mobile devices has
increased dramatically
It is expected that high-definition (HD) TV programmes will soon
be delivered to and played in mobile devices in 4G networks, although there are
still many challenges to be faced.
On the other hand, video on TV has not been flat for much longer;
following advancements to 3D video or 3D TV services over 4G wireless networks
with various representation formats.
Recently, P2P (peer-to-peer) live video streaming has become very
popular as it needs much less deployment cost and is able to take advantage of
the distributed storage and computing resources in the network. The basic idea
of P2P is to treat every node in the network as a peer and the peer can help to
pass the video packets to others. However, in the 4G system, the large scale
P2P wireless video streaming capability of supporting many viewers would still
be very challenging, considering the difficulties of effective incentive
mechanisms for peers willing to collaborate, peers’ media relay capability,
peers’ system topology discovery capability, QoS control, etc.
Finally, as so many fancy applications and services are expected
to be deployed in 4G networks, the cross-layer design mechanism for content
delivery with satisfactory quality of user experience becomes critical.