LTE Operations and Maintenance Strategy (Using Self-Organizing Networks to Reduce OPEX)

Alex Wanda
1 minute read
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Long Term Evolution (LTE) provides greatly increased wireless bandwidth, enabling a number of new broadband applications such as high-quality mobile video and wireless online gaming. A key challenge for each LTE operator is to provide these new services in a high-margin, cost effective manner. To meet these cost constraints, Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) for the new LTE infrastructure and Operational Expenses (OPEX) associated with operating the LTE infrastructure must be carefully controlled. While controlling CAPEX costs remains an important issue for mobile operators, OPEX costs have become a more significant part of operators’ cost structure. Operators have made excellent fundamental operations and maintenance a hurdle to the adoption of LTE technology.

This paper will examine how the operations and maintenance strategies for LTE infrastructure management must be changed in order to meet the OPEX expectations of LTE operators. READ THE PAPER FOR FURTHER INSIGHTS

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